2012年10月27日 星期六


Source: New Scientist TV

有人放隻豬在海底,觀察腐化過程,先有sea lice來飽餐一頓,再有蝦來吃剩餘。我不想花時間翻譯,以下原(英)文照錄,並列google translate翻譯出來的搞笑中文,寓娛樂於學習。

Finding a dead body in the ocean may be gruesome, but for forensic scientists it can also be perplexing. Although the way a body decomposes on land is well understood, little is known about how human remains fare underwater. 在海洋中發現一具屍體的法醫科學家是可怕的,但它也可以是令人費解的。雖然在陸地上,身體分解的方式很好理解,很少有人知道如何遺骸票價水下。
Now a pioneering experiment lead by forensic scientist Gail Anderson from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, is using dead pigs as a model for humans to gain insight. In this video, a pig carcass is tracked as it turns to bones in the ocean, capturing the scavengers that visit the body. Sharks are unable to tuck in since it's enclosed (as is the octopus lurking at the end of the video), giving sea lice exclusive access to the remains. They enter orifices in droves to feast on the animal from the inside out and congregate on the cage bars to prevent other arthropods, like shrimp, from getting a bite. "By the end of the fourth day, the sea lice had left and the pigs were reduced to bones," says Anderson. 現在伯納比,不列顛哥倫比亞省,加拿大西蒙·弗雷澤大學的法醫科學家蓋爾·安德森使用的是開拓性的實驗鉛作為一種模式為人類了解的死豬。在這段視頻中,一頭豬的屍體被跟踪它變成骨骼的海洋中,捕捉的拾荒者訪問身體。鯊魚是無法掖好被子,因為它的封閉(是潛伏在年底的視頻章魚),海蝨的獨占訪問的遺骸。他們成群結隊孔進入宴席上的動物從裡面出來,聚集在籠子裡的酒吧,以防止其他節肢動物,如蝦,得到了一口。 “結束的第四天,海蝨已經離開了,豬減少到骨頭,”安德森說。
Shrimp arrive to pick at the skeleton, eventually removing all the cartilage. The team then recovered the bones which, strangely, were jet black for a period of 48 hours. "This is something that has never been seen before," says Lynne Bell, a member of the team. "Colleagues are working to identify the micro-organisms collected close to the bone, which may help to identify the unique chemistry of the change." 蝦趕到醫院去接的骨架,最終消除所有的軟骨。該小組的骨頭,奇怪的是,烏黑的48小時內恢復。 “這是一些從來沒有過的,”林恩貝爾說,一個團隊成員。 “同事們正在確定收集的微生物貼著骨頭,這可能有助於確定獨特的化學性質的變化。”
The pig carcasses are revealing for the first time how different conditions, for example depth and seasonal changes, affect decomposition in seawater. "We have had a lot of disarticulated feet wash up on our shores in running shoes," says Anderson. "This work is showing the public how crab and shrimp activity can result in severed limbs and that's it's a normal process." 豬的屍體被揭示的第一次有什麼不同條件,例如深度和季節變化,影響海水中分解。 “我們已經有一個很多的disarticulated的腳洗了我們的海岸,在跑鞋,”安德森說。 “這項工作是公共螃蟹和蝦的活動可能會導致斷肢,這是一個正常的過程。”

